Disabled students’ problems in Pakistan

In Pakistan, disabled students face various challenges in accessing education and achieving their full potential. Some of the common problems faced by disabled students include:

  1. Lack of accessibility: Many schools in Pakistan are not equipped to accommodate disabled students, making it difficult for them to attend classes and participate in school activities.
  2. Limited resources: Disabled students often lack the necessary resources, such as assistive technology, to help them learn effectively.
  3. Stigma and discrimination: Disabled students in Pakistan often face stigma and discrimination from peers and teachers, which can impact their self-esteem and motivation to continue their education.
  4. Inadequate support services: Support services for disabled students, such as counseling and accommodations, are often limited or non-existent in Pakistani schools.
  5. Lack of inclusive education policies: There is a lack of inclusive education policies and practices in Pakistan, which means that disabled students are often excluded from the mainstream education system.

These problems can make it difficult for disabled students in Pakistan to receive a quality education and reach their full potential.

Understanding the crux of disability

Being disabled is not just a state of being restricted to some kind of limitation anymore in the world today. As we all have been through such stages at a certain point in our lives. Disability refers to not conforming to specified standards of being present to perform any task.

People from varied background, different emotional and physical levels may not be able to get their heads present at particular situations, so it is definitely not a thing to be pitied upon. Fortunately, with a demise of days, this discrimination is shrinking around the globe. Contrary to the case of Pakistan where one can concede the initiative for the disabled ones being pretty much stagnant over the years.

The majority of the disabled ones are chained to surface as an integral branch of our social tree on the account of their missing body parts and other physical impairments no doubt assail in a fact that they deserve the attentions and especial care from the surrounding.

Here strikes the vital note, bestowing attention in no sense of a word is parallel to everyone being over-sympathetic towards them. Being compassionate over the boundary unintentionally drills an emotion in these special ones which makes them feel a burden of their society.

They are entitled to courtesy and politeness, but the real trigger of the problem is the attitude of other people. Others drain out a gratuitous act of being overly concerned and never in depths of their lives actually try to comprehend the unprecedented capabilities of special ones.

Major Obstacles

How pathetic it sounds if I write about the society which fails to provide the infrastructure or facilities to the disabled should meet with the slap of nature? Not as pathetic as the harsh reality where these people lack the resources which are exceedingly important to assist them in their daily lives.

Positioning the spotlight over the disable students makes me swell with pride, as these young souls despite being disabled jump out of their capacities to play their individual part in the development of the country. Consequently, this leads to a gift of an increased literacy rate and hence boosts the economy of the nation.

These people are contributing more than your mind can ever suck in, but with a harshness of reality, I have to manifest that nongovernmental and government bodies both have been a little negligent towards their right. Even there can be a hole of possibility that the responsible ones own no real insight about the conditions of disables. Such overlooked rights give birth to numerous problems which are faced by these students in Pakistan.

Moreover, transportation facilities should be separately made available for them, as the disabled ones in Pakistan are seen to travel in local public transport used by all the physically fit people. Special students have to wait long hours for the transport plus getting a seat for themselves without any assistance make their journey no less than an ordeal.

Meeting the pushes, drags and the fights for a seat such common experience in a local transport shouldn’t be caught by these people. They are supposed to be given a separate transportation facility whereby they are eased and facilitated rather than being looked down upon and made to be felt grieved upon their conditions.

A sport is not restricted to be played by the physically healthy students only. Sports not only build a character but instead it reveals it. It is one of the fundamental activities of school and college life and in Pakistan; most of the disabled students are missing on this fun filled activity. The society and the educational institutes are not active in providing sufficient opportunities to the disable one in this regards the disable children are then imposed to feel discouraged making them concern about not fitting in the criteria of sports. Government and other bodies must realize the need of instilling this activity in day to day life of the disabled students as sports is guaranteed to comfort their minds.

Ray of hope

Token of thanks to the globalization, international media and technological advancement that have cupped the hands of the disabled students to boost their confidence and have provided them enough encouragement to shape themselves into competitive individuals.

Organizations like British Council offer all kind of facilities like accommodation, financial aids, advice and scholarships to the disabled children. Be it physically disabled students, sight impaired students or dyslexic students. The great news which strikes is that their laws apply to international students as well.

Thanks to the social media platforms as well which favor the fact that disabled people have rights just like everyone else. Social media platforms have provided us with great examples like Muneeba Mazari who is an extraordinary inspiring role model for the disabled students. Her achievements despite being in a wheelchair are something to envy from.

Possible line of actions
The mindset of the society sticks to the ideology that being disabled is one of the biggest curse and a loss that one can have. Such mindset is brutally punched by the dedication and commitment of the disabled students who fights all odds to strive in their education by straining their every nerve to turn their impossibilities to great possibilities.

The legal framework of Pakistan needs to be strengthened to protect the rights of the disabled students by providing them all a common platform where they can nurture their skills and personality.

The NGOs and government must devise plans to stimulate the departmental bodies to build long-term organizations, national buildings and legislative planning that chiefly aim to fulfill the needs of the disabled students. After all, in the shaping of a successful Country every block or student counts.

The society needs to get away from the over embracing the culture of pitying the disabled students. This is only going to aggravate and worsen their feelings and positive attitude. Right- based approach that empowers them needs to be implemented in Pakistani Society.

Physical Challenges: Mobility, Accessibility

Ensuring that students with physical disabilities have access to education is an important goal. In Pakistan, however, students with disabilities face significant challenges in accessing educational opportunities. The two major hurdles they must overcome are mobility and accessibility.

Mobility is a big obstacle for disabled students in Pakistan looking to attend school. Due to limited resources, some disabled students lack the necessary support and equipment needed for transportation as well as support such as wheelchairs or ramps that allow them access into educational facilities.

Without this help from their families or government organizations, attending school can be difficult and even impossible for these students.

Accessibility also presents a challenge for disabled Pakistani students seeking education.

Learning Difficulties: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia

Disable students in Pakistan face a variety of problems but one of the most common is learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dysgraphia. Dyslexia is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to read, write, and spell.

People with this condition may experience difficulty with reading comprehension and memorizing facts. Dysgraphia is another disorder which impairs an individual’s ability to produce written language accurately and fluently.

These learning disabilities can have far-reaching implications for disabled students in Pakistan who are already facing numerous other educational disadvantages such as limited access to resources or specialised teaching facilities. For example, lack of access to appropriate materials and approaches can mean that these individuals don’t have the same level of support as their non-disabled peers when it comes to developing literacy skills.

Social Struggles: Isolation, Communication

Social Struggles: Isolation, communication problems for disabled students is a major issue in Pakistan. Disabled students face numerous social struggles when it comes to education and the ability to communicate with their peers. Students who are physically or mentally disabled often lack access to basic educational resources such as textbooks and assistance from teachers.

They may not be able to physically attend classes due to their disability, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, many students with disabilities find it difficult to communicate effectively with their peers because of language barriers or an inability to understand non-verbal cues. This can cause them feel excluded from the classroom environment and result in difficulty engaging in class activities.

Moreover, this issue is compounded by a lack of awareness about the needs of disabled people among both teachers and other students. As such, disabled students remain on the margins of Pakistani society, facing discrimination at home and school alike.

Mental Health Struggles: Anxiety, Depression

Mental health struggles are an unfortunately common issue among students in Pakistan, but the challenges that disabled students face can be especially daunting. Anxiety and depression present unique problems for disabled students due to such factors as limited access to resources and support systems. These mental health issues have a deep impact on their educational experiences, potentially leading to poorer academic performance and lower self-esteem.

The lack of accommodations or awareness of disabilities often leads to a feeling of isolation among disabled students in Pakistan. This isolation can lead to anxiety, depression, or both — a dangerous combination that can create significant difficulties within the classroom environment. In addition, many disabled students struggle with financial constraints which further complicate the situation by putting additional strain on their mental health.

Mental health concerns are very real obstacles for disabled student success in Pakistan.

Solutions and Support Available: Assistive Technology, Counseling

The discussion surrounding disable student problems in Pakistan is a vital one. As the second-most populous country in South Asia, Pakistani society has an obligation to ensure that all of its citizens have equal opportunities for education and development. This means providing adequate solutions and support for those living with disabilities. Assistive technology and counseling are two key elements of support available to disabled students in Pakistan, which can help them overcome the challenges they face when accessing education.

Assistive technology provides disabled students with the tools they need to gain access to learning materials and activities; this could include software programs like screen readers or magnification tools, as well as adaptive hardware options such as specialized keyboards or joysticks. Different types of assistive technology can be tailored specifically to individual needs, allowing students with disabilities increased autonomy when it comes to their studies.


The conclusion of the problem in disable students in Pakistan is that there is still a long road ahead to ensure that these individuals are not only accepted into society but also receive the necessary education, vocational training, and resources to succeed. The government must take steps to provide necessary support for disabled students so they can make their own life choices. There has been an increase in awareness regarding disabled rights, but more needs to be done to put it into practice.

In order for people with disabilities to be fully included in Pakistani society, access to education should be equalized across all levels. This requires providing special educational tools and technology as well as including teachers who are trained on how best serve those with different impairments or disabilities. Additionally, disabled students need access to vocational training and job placements so they can gain independence and earn an income after completing their studies.


Welcome to the official author account of words.pk! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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