
Technological Health in the Evolutionary World Pakistan

Pakistan has seen significant growth in its technology and health sector in recent years. The government has increased its investment in technology and digital infrastructure, and private sector companies have also contributed to this growth.

The health sector has also seen improvement with the introduction of new and advanced medical technologies, as well as an increase in the number of hospitals and healthcare facilities. However, there are still challenges to be addressed such as a shortage of healthcare professionals, unequal access to healthcare services, and limited availability of modern medical technologies in rural areas.

Good health is significant, while health alone is an essential player for any country’s economy. Having a well-developed health system in a country, plays a significant role in contributing to a well functioning society/economy, regardless of the size. In order to attain a healthy future and a foremost health care system, it is mandatory to put the health and wellbeing of the populations as the centre of public policy.

Back in the days, the Government of Pakistan comprised a limited resource system, where the company invested mostly in building medical colleges and universities and invested less in enhancing the health sector industry of Pakistan.

The continuous negligence of the Pakistani government had put the country in a pit that was hard to climb and even harder to fill. One of the prime reasons for the country’s flawed health system, as per a number of researches was the tremendously high birth rate. Initially, the country’s prime focus was more on building more health-oriented buildings, rather than taking care of the ultimate goal; the health care sector of Pakistan.

However, in today’s ever-evolving technological world, the country has made some remarkable enhancements in bringing the health sector industry where it is today. Over the years, the government has invested a lump sum of money in training its medical professionals and building institutes that comprise professional trainers for providing professional technical training.

These professionals are instead the well-known professors and doctors who have signed up to give utmost training in various institutes or have positioned themselves in the top leading hospitals of Pakistan along with the inauguration of a number of top private clinics.

In today’s technological world, Pakistan has paced itself to give the country the foremost technological health enhancements that would put forth even bigger and better health consequences. The technological advancements in the health care sector in Pakistan have been a life saviour for millions of patients, contributing significantly to the quality of life. Let us talk about some of the main enhancements in the health care sector of Pakistan:

Digital Apps:
Moving one step further is the invention of various healthcare digital apps, which have contributed extremely to the easiness and convenience in people’s lives. The apps have the motive to provide telehealth services, where the customer fills in a box by the various symptoms they are facing. A health care professional on reading the symptoms provides the patient with the prescriptions. And Voila! That is all it takes! Having such apps in Pakistan makes it quite evident that the country is not far behind before it corners another milestone. Some of the apps that should definitely be on your phone, and highly recommend you are:

Sehat Kahani

Digitalization of the medical records:
The leading hospitals of Pakistan have successfully replaced the traditional and outdated paperwork of keeping medical records with the electronic health records system. The process has tremendously added easiness in the life of many, as health records can easily be accessed by just a click of a button.

Online medicines websites:
In order to add convenience to the lives of people, one important step is to make yourself easily accessible! Health care websites are doing just that. Yes, you heard it right! There are separate health care websites created for the purpose of providing customers/patients quick medicines delivery to their doorstep. All the patients have to do is pick the desired medications, add them to their cart, and just click checkout! On an Rs. 50/- delivery charge, you will have the medicines delivered to your doorstep without the hassle of travelling to a specific pharmacy. One such website providing you with these services are:

Another technological advancement that the web professionals did not leave behind in attaining was the convenience of receiving quick doctor appointments! Yes, you no longer have to wait on calls to get your turn and talk to an assistant. Technology has made its way here too! Websites like “” has compiled a list of all the top-notch doctors near you for you! The website includes many categories that you wish to get services from and showcases the doctors’ experience level along with the rating of how good the specific doctor is.

Moreover, it even offers video consultation, apart from just booking appointments! I mean, what can be better than this? Getting checked from high-level professionals, and that too with the ease of sitting at home!

Having said this, need I say more?

Quite precisely, the inventions mentioned above showcase how the technological health care sector of Pakistan has quite evidently outdone itself and continuous to do so!

  1. Government of Pakistan’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Information Technology websites:
  2. Reports from international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank:
  3. News articles and research papers from reputable sources such as Dawn, The Express Tribune, and the Pakistan Medical Association Journal:
  4. Data from market research firms such as PTA and the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics:

I am happy. Are you?

What has been the impact of technology on the health sector in Pakistan?

Technology has had a positive impact on the health sector in Pakistan, leading to improved medical services and increased access to healthcare for patients. The introduction of new medical technologies and digital infrastructure has enabled doctors and healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients more effectively.

Has the government of Pakistan invested in the health sector?

Yes, the government of Pakistan has invested in the health sector, including the introduction of new technologies and the upgrading of existing healthcare facilities. The government has also increased its spending on healthcare services, including access to basic health services, and has implemented various programs to improve the health of its citizens.

What are the challenges facing the health sector in Pakistan?

There are several challenges facing the health sector in Pakistan, including a shortage of healthcare professionals, limited access to modern medical technologies in rural areas, and inadequate infrastructure in some parts of the country. Additionally, there is still a lack of awareness about health issues among the general population, which has led to a high rate of preventable diseases and deaths.

What is being done to address these challenges?

The government of Pakistan, along with international organizations and the private sector, is working to address these challenges by investing in the health sector and promoting awareness about health issues. There have also been initiatives to improve access to healthcare services in rural areas, as well as efforts to train healthcare professionals and increase the availability of medical technologies.


Welcome to the official author account of! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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