Problems of the middle class in Pakistan

Pakistan is a developing country and like any other developing nation, the prosperity of the country depends on the working class. More prominently known as the middle class. With the huge economic gap between the rich and the poor in Pakistan. The divide is filled with the people belonging to the middle class.

The approximate size of the middle class in Pakistan is around seventy million and is rising rapidly. As it is quite clear in Pakistan that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. So the middle class is like an intermediate between the two. Since independence the condition of the middle class has gone from bad to worse.

Most of the people in the middle class are service men or workers. They get a fixed sum of money every month. Though their humble incomes are nothing compared to the rising prices and the increase in Tax does not help. Most of the middle class citizens live hand to mouth. They strive hard to makes ends meet. The price of bare necessities such as pulses and grain had increased drastically.

All the best professors, teachers and scholars come from the middle class. As it is the most hardworking group of people. They are mental workers, who earn using their intellect and mental capacities. Thus to maintain their health and nourishment they need quality food. They need milk and fruits etc. The price of milk has shot up 15 rupees per litre. The fruits are so costly that only the rich are able to buy them comfortably. The people are risking and losing their health.

Like every parent. The middleclass dreams to provide their children with quality education, but due to such great domestic expenses. They cannot afford the fees of private schools. The government education institutions have degraded. The education offered is very poor. So in order to survive in the society and get good jobs. People go to private schools for education but the middle class finds it difficult to afford. Thus, depriving them of opportunity to get good high paying jobs.

The middle class in dissatisfied and this can cause uprisings and affect the prosperity of the nation. The people from the middle class are hard workers who earn money using their skills. They understand reality. As history depicts, these are the people who start revolutions. They are the custodians of the customs and traditions of the country, their place in this society is very important. Hence the miserable state of these people is harmful for the entire country.

The people of Pakistan have become sheep. Just like sheep do, they all bundle together to follow any trend that comes along without thinking about it much. And this trend following has weakened the position of many people. Many people are actually causing unnecessary problems for themselves. Grand weddings have become a trend and those who cannot afford it still try to make it possible by going as far as taking loans. Loans which are difficult for them to repay. They weaken their economic situation even more.

The state of the middle class needs to be improved. The government should provide free education and health care. And maintain the institutions they already have in a better way. The inflation rate should be reduced. The tax rate levied on the middle class should be kept low. Otherwise the government should increase the salaries of the people of the middle class to provide them with a more comfortable life. The people can always change their conditions if they wish to. Revolutions do not happen just by complaining about it.


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With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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