Poor health facilities in Sindh

Sindh, a province in Pakistan, has long struggled to provide adequate health facilities to its population. The lack of healthcare infrastructure, shortage of medical personnel, and limited access to essential medicines are major contributing factors to the poor state of health facilities in the province.

In rural areas, the shortage of healthcare facilities is particularly severe, with people often having to travel long distances to access even basic medical care. The existing healthcare facilities in Sindh are often poorly equipped, with outdated equipment and a shortage of staff. This can result in sub-standard medical care and a high rate of medical errors.

The shortage of medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, is also a major concern, as it makes it difficult for people to receive proper medical attention. The limited access to essential medicines, particularly in rural areas, exacerbates the health problems faced by the population in Sindh.

Health education and awareness are also limited in many parts of the province, which can lead to a lack of understanding about important health issues and the need for preventive measures. These challenges in the healthcare system in Sindh can have serious consequences for the health and well-being of its population.

Nearly sixty million people in Pakistan do not have access to rudimentary health facilities.

More than sixty seven million are forced to drink germ-infested water which is causing an ever escalating waterborne disease such as diarrhea and cholera.

Wretchedly, due to deficiency of health centers, eighty nine per cent deliveries are directed by old-style birth assistants at home, who are incapable in managing the problems that might be raised and because of this many newborns and mothers babies have to tolerate the brunt.

Rendering to reports, the maternal mortality rate in Pakistan is that eighty six women die for a thousand births is the chief in South Asia.

This can easily be condensed by establishing simple health centers in rural areas by introducing awareness amongst the people.

Furthermore, ninety million people have no essential sanitation. There is 1 doctor for 1,837 people, one hospital bed for 1,503 persons, 1 dentist for 46,498 persons and one primary care facility for 14,900 people. This displays an unblemished picture of the massively deprived health sector.

Astonishingly, the total spending on health is 2 per cent of the GDP as associated to developed countries’ 5 to 14 percent.

A new World Bank statement warns that Pakistan is fronting a health disaster with increasing rates of diabetes, obesity ,heart diseases  and other non – communicable diseases (NCDs) which are excessively upsetting poor families and irritating the poverty condition.

Furthermore, due to key illnesses people have to forfeit for most of their upkeep out of their reserves or by vending their belongings and then discovering themselves wedged in a poverty ploy where they cannot get better and they cannot work.

Notwithstanding setting certain major goals the policy creators have not been able to recover health conditions, which are parting a negative influence on poor families.

With the provincial government’s health departments steering fingers at each other for the disaster, the deaths of infants and newborns continue unceasing, with 5 more children reported to have died in the district.

2 newborn twins of Sodho Bheel expired in Kaloi whereas another newborn child passed away in Taluka hospital, Islamkot. A 3 month old baby, Zubaida Khaskheli, and a 5 month old baby Channu, the son of Janu Meghwadh, passed away in private medical centers in Nangarparkar and Islamkot tehsils, correspondingly.

The demise toll in the famine affected district has risen to a hundred and twenty four since first of October. Nevertheless, health officials do not approve many of these deaths, particularly the ones happening in the villages.

Riaz Rahujo, Peoples Primary Healthcare Initiative’s regional director, at a media conference held responsible the Sindh health division for the deficiency of health services in Tharparkar. “The PPHI has been blamed for the state of affairs, even though we cover only twenty per cent of Tharparkar,” he stated, while splitting details of the PPHI’s duties.


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