Child Labour: The industrialists benefit

Lower production costs: By employing child labor, industrialists are able to lower their production costs, as children are often paid lower wages than adults. This means that companies can increase their profits by cutting labor costs.

Increased output: Children are often seen as being more productive than adults, as they are more nimble and able to work for longer hours. As a result, industrialists can increase their output by hiring children to work.

Increased flexibility: Children are more willing to work in hazardous or dangerous conditions, and they are also more likely to accept low wages and poor working conditions. This means that industrialists can increase their flexibility by hiring children, who are more willing to work in challenging environments.

Reduced unionization: Child labor reduces the need for adult workers, which in turn reduces the power of unions and the ability of workers to negotiate for better wages and working conditions. This helps industrialists maintain control over their operations and ensures that they can continue to operate their businesses profitably.

Exploitation of vulnerable populations: Children from poor families are often the most vulnerable to exploitation and are often the ones who are recruited for child labor. This allows industrialists to take advantage of their vulnerability and exploit them for their own financial gain, without having to worry about the consequences of their actions.

In the early 1700s the world changed and an epitome known as industrialization began. The poor continuously worked for the rich. Industries started to be set up and to run them a huge labour force was required. This gave rise to a notion known as the division of labour. It was done in order to make the work more efficient and specialized. As time passed, trade grew and in result the productivity also increased. More people were required in the labour force to cope with the increase in production. So factory managers began to employ children as they could work at a cheap rate and they could be groomed and trained in their lines of work for years to come.

The literal meaning of child labour is the employment of the children in industries or businesses, especially when that is considered illegal and exploitative.

‘’If we can’t begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future’’. Alexis Herman.
Child labour damages the childhood of an individual, it basically deprives the child’s life from all the perks a normal kid enjoys. They are unable to go to school regularly and that is physically, emotionally, socially and mentally rather harmful and perilous for the children.

In Pakistan, the national child labour survey reports that approximately 3.3 million children who are below 14 years of age are currently working as a labour in Pakistan. This survey includes both boys and girls. 73 percent of boys are employed while 27 percent girls are a part of the child labour.

‘’Child labor perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, and other social problems’’. Kailash Satyarthi.

If we look at the reasons of child labour, slavery and child trafficking do play a role but many surveys suggest that the main cause of child labour is the lack of access to good education and the high level of poverty. One of the biggest reasons for the under developing of a country is child labour.

The Punjab Assembly of Pakistan has recently passed the Punjab Prohibition of Child Labour at Brick Kilns bill in order to rescue the children that work at brick kilns. The bill prevents the owners of brick kilns to engage, permit or employ a child that is younger than 14 years of age to work at the brick kiln. If a guardian or a parents forces a child under the age of 14 to work at a kiln, then they will also be held accountable jointly and equally for the offence. The contract of employment will also include the paycheck schedule of the advance, the amount of advance and the wage. Rana Sanaullah Khan has also stated that a bill regarding child labour at auto shops will soon be passed too.
In order to end child labour, each and every citizen should speak up and come forward to help these children have a normal childhood.

In conclusion, child labor provides industrialists with many benefits, including lower production costs, increased output, increased flexibility, reduced unionization, and the exploitation of vulnerable populations. However, child labor is also a major human rights issue, as it deprives children of their childhood, education, and the opportunity to reach their full potential.


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