Urban transport problems in Pakistan

Urban transport problems in Pakistan

Urban transport is considered one of the major problems in plaguing Pakistan currently. It drastically affects the Pakistan’s public policies and lives. The people of Pakistan are becoming more urban and hundreds of them are moving to the big cities.

The roads of Pakistan have become over inhabited and jammed. These roads were not even, proficient enough to hold the swelling transportation demand of the cities, but these now have to embrace the extra transportation weight caused by the migrants from the rural areas leading to swear overcrowding on the roads. This article discusses the problems or the urban transportation of Pakistan and what is its root cause.

The predicament in Urban Transportation

The cities of Pakistan have become very challenging to reside in and to work because of overpopulation and crowding. The issues of transportation are mostly because of the rising population and the pecuniary activity in cities. More than fifty million people are now settling in cities and suburbs, and this concentration is even increasing continuously.

The main aspects behind this are:

  • Upsurge in Population,
  • Growth in Literacy rate,
  • Industrialization,
  • Further Job Opportunities,
  • Extra Public Facilities in the cities.

The concentration of resources and people in urban areas would have been difficult without all these.

All these issues have aided a number of people to enjoy the economic, cultural and social opportunities that urban areas give. One reason for this problem is that urban areas have flopped to alter to the changing circumstances brought by the fast development of the economy.

How does the Transportation System affect the country’s Economy?

Transportation in Pakistan is fronting grave congestion difficulty that seems to become more serious in the coming years. Growth of the population and weight on urban areas, joint with increasing national income and output are snowballing the capacity of freight and passengers continually. At the same time, changes from rail to road and from public to private transportation have amplified the drain to streets and highways. The function, transportation system shows in the economic development of a country is so understood and visible that there is any need to discuss it, but there is an alternative aspect of the prominence of transportation system, i.e. its impacts on Urban Sites.

Demand of transportation comes from the need to get admittance to industrial, residential, and commercial areas. The amount of revenue these parts produce is contingent upon the convenience that transportation provides. In order to get access to these regions, transportation costs do occur. It is known that transportation used requires money cost as well as time cost. The amount of these costs with the availability of transportation facilities can affect the location of urban areas and cause diseconomy.

Traffic jamming can causes diseconomy, daunting augmented travel time on both household and business as city size upsurges. Therefore tranquil to say that when urban areas are too much choked, it causes problems, and so a good transport system is needed which can decentralize the urban area which will decrease the diseconomies of agglomeration.


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