The big fish is out of its pond: Mansoor Alam gets arrested on charges of corruption!

For years, Pakistan’s government dynamics have experienced lots of ups and downs but mostly downs where it has blindly favored the corrupt and misleading. Accountability is a word completely unknown to majority of people who have comfortably taken up important office and posts in the management and running of this country. However, just like there is an end to every King’s ruling, there is an end to every corrupt individual’s so called “empire” that they have created. A similar event took place last week when a renowned individual named Mansoor Alam was arrested for his illegal construction dealings in Sindh.

This individual was the AD of Karachi Building Control Authority, now changed to Sindh Building Control Authority. This man’s journey has been a shady one where, over a matter of few years, he has gotten his hands on a whole lot of wealth exhibited by his luxurious lifestyle and expensive cars to assist him every day. How is it possible that a guy who started off with just a Honda CD 70 Bike is now able to afford multiple luxury cars, when his income doesn’t logically justify any of it?

This recent arrest has been made right in front of the magistrate and it seems like the big fish is finally out of its pond. Mansoor Alam has been caught red handed allowing illegal construction of shops on three floors of a building in Nazimabad. In addition to this, several other shops were also constructed illegally like that in Karachi Centre and Al-Hilal cooperative housing society, all under his “esteemed” authority. Instead of fulfilling his duty and demolishing this construction, he was seen standing in the very building sorting out a deal when the ACE raided him on spot. This is not the first time that Mansoor Alam has been suspended for his corrupt activities but similar instances have taken place in the year 2006 and even 2009.

This time Mansoor Alam seems to have gotten himself in big trouble because all possible evidence against him was seized right there during the arrest and for the first time this news also made its way to the media. In this era of internet, news spreads like rapid fire in the forest and there is no way the news of his arrest can be taken back from the country’s record because it out there for good. We cannot ignore the power of media in such cases because once the media gets involved, it is almost impossible to hide anything under the carpet because everything eventually makes its way to the public eye. Fortunate or unfortunate, Mansoor Alam is now in the public eye and things for him don’t seem to be going positive from here on.

There is no coming out for him because there is no way he will be able to justify the wealth he has accumulated in all these years with the small “official” salary he was making every month. There are too many loopholes in this case and nothing can now be ignored unlike the previous times when he was suspended. It is high time NAB steps here as well and starts their investigation because once that happens, every corrupt act of his will get proven and SBCA will finally be able to relieve itself of such corrupt burden.

People like Mansoor Alam should be made a lesson for all others to watch and get cautious. Corruption has been taking birth in this country ever since it came into existence but the continuous fight against it is what will eventually wipe such embarrassing and disgraceful individuals off of the country’s government.


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With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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