Should You Travel to Pakistan?

Pakistan is known for its beautiful sights. It has so much to be looked at from beautiful green mountains good enough for picnic hiking to the icy-mountains for professional hiking. It has great scenes that the newly married couples can cherish their honeymoon with. For-example; the running water streams, the beautiful valleys between the green mountains, the man-made forests, conifers forest, apple forests, Tear lake, Lake Saif-ul-Malook etc. Apart from the natural scenes Pakistan is filled with the historical places as well for-example; Shalamabar garden, Faisal Mosque, Char Burj building and Bad shahi Mosque etc. In the past, hoards of people used to visit Pakistan to check on its beauty but with the changing time and increasing terrorism the tourism to Pakistan has almost vanished. Here we must let you know some of the reason for which you must pay a visit to Pakistan to have a time of your life.

Welcoming People:
The people of Pakistan are truly welcoming and loving.They serve in the best possible way ever and make the tourist feel as if he is at a place where he rules. I have never met people as welcoming as Pakistanis. They are simple people leading their lives with utmost simplicity. At no point of your stay there you would feel left out or alone, they have the best ways of hospitality. From Karachi to Kashmir people are always found to be loving.

It is Heaven on Earth:
If you ever ask me about the beauty of Pakistan then i would say that it is the heaven on the earth. For me it is the most beautiful country of the world and those who have not seen it or payed any visit to this country then they are missing on the most beautiful part of the world. The beautiful mountain ranges of Pakistan and drives on the roads lying within them gives a unforgettable experience to the people. In the north of Pakistan you would get an idea as to what a real beauty is as you would see the most attractive scenes here. For-examples; water falls within the mountains and lands filled with greenery etc.

The K2:
Well! everybody knows that it is the second highest mountain of the world. One thing that everybody does not know is that it is not an easy mountain to be hiked at and it is said that no or very little people have reached the top of this deadly mountain. Commoners believe that no hikers return when they set on expedition on this mountain. So, won’t you like to see a mountain that has engulfed in it a lot of lives? Don’t you want to see the ice bed that eats on the bodies of the hikers?

Yes! Pakistan is a safe country:
Most of the countries of the world have developed an idea that Pakistan is a state filled up with the terrorists and any foreigner happening to be at Pakistan receives attacks by the terrorists. Here I must let you all know that it is a lie, I didn’t see anything odd happening out there. Everything was at peace and people were truly loving and frank.

Cheap Country:
Everything in Pakistan is cheap. You can buy food with a little amount of Money. It is so cheap that you can buy gifts for all your friends and neighbors with meager amount of money. To add more, the transport at Pakistan is too cheap that you do not have to think twice while setting off on any journey at Pakistan.

Cultural Diversity:
The people at Pakistan follow different religions, as opposed to the world’s opinion that they only follow Islam and have great deal of intolerance in this regard. You can find Hindus, Jews and Christians there as well. All of these people accept each other’s religion and you see no intolerance in them. So, if you are planning to leave for Pakistan then do not be afraid and set for Pakistan with open heart. .

Alcohol is Allowed:
As said earlier it is a country where the religious tolerance is practiced hence, the government doesn’t put any ban on the alcohol or any such liquor for the foreigners. You can have tons of drinks of beers and nobody would say anything to you. You are totally free to do this.

Ruins Of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa:
If you have a love for the historical places and you want to experience a little bit of archaeology then you must get to Pakistan as it has the scenes worth looking for, wondering what am I talking about? Well! they are the Mohenjo-Daro and harappa ruins.

Beating Retreat Ceremony at Wagha:
This is the ceremony which is done at the wagha border where the Indian border from Amritsar ends and Pakistani border Lahore starts. This is the most enthusiastic parade and gives a person chills of amazement and fun! So, do not forget to see on this parade when you go to Lahore.

Ranikot Fort:
This is a Sindh’s fort also known as the Great Wall of Sindh. This is a place where people do not pay much visits but it is worth your time for the view that it engulfs within it.


Welcome to the official author account of! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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