handicraft punjabi

Pakistan’s Punjabi Handicrafts: The Beauty and Craftsmanship of Punjabi’s

Pakistans rich cultural heritage is celebrated around the world for its colorful diversity, captivating art forms, and exquisite craftsmanship. Among the many cultural treasures that Pakistan has to offer, Punjabi handicrafts stand out as some of the most beautiful and unique examples of the countrys artistic tradition. From intricate textiles to exquisite pottery, Punjabi handicrafts are an essential part of Pakistans cultural identity, and they are a testament to the creativity and skill of the artisans who have been creating them for centuries.

Punjabi handicrafts have a long and storied history in Pakistan, dating back hundreds of years. The craft has been passed down from generation to generation, with artisans refining their skills and techniques over time. These handicrafts are an integral part of Pakistani culture, and they play a significant role in the countrys economy, as well as its artistic and cultural identity.

This paper will explore the beauty and craftsmanship of Punjabi handicrafts in Pakistan, you may also explore punjabi traditions as well examining their historical and cultural significance, the types of handicrafts that exist, the process of creating them, and the impact they have on the local economy. It will also highlight the efforts being made to preserve and promote Punjabi handicrafts, as well as the challenges that are being faced in this regard. Ultimately, this paper will argue that the preservation of Punjabi handicrafts is essential for the future of Pakistans cultural heritage and that it is our responsibility to ensure that these exquisite works of art are protected and celebrated for generations to come.

Brief history of Punjabi Handicrafts

Punjabi handicrafts have a rich history that dates back centuries. The Mughal Empire, which ruled over the Indian subcontinent from the early 16th to mid 19th century, greatly influenced the development of Punjabi handicrafts. During this period, skilled artisans were brought from all over the empire to the Punjab region to create exquisite works of art. As a result, a diverse range of handicrafts emerged, incorporating techniques and styles from across the empire.

Cultural significance of Punjabi Handicrafts

Punjabi handicrafts are an integral part of Pakistani culture. They are deeply intertwined with the countrys history, traditions, and values. Each handicraft is a testament to the skills and expertise of the artisans who create them, reflecting the beauty and diversity of Pakistans cultural heritage. Punjabi handicrafts are also an important source of income for many families in Punjab, particularly in rural areas.

Influence of religion on Punjabi Handicrafts

Religion has played a significant role in shaping Punjabi handicrafts. Islam, the predominant religion in Pakistan, prohibits the depiction of living creatures in art. As a result, many Punjabi handicrafts feature intricate geometric patterns and calligraphy instead of figurative designs. In contrast, Sikhism, which originated in Punjab, places great emphasis on the importance of art in spiritual practice. This has led to the development of a unique style of Punjabi handicrafts that incorporates religious themes and imagery.

I remember visiting a Punjabi handicrafts fair with my family when I was a child. My mother, who is an avid collector of Phulkari embroidery, spent hours admiring the intricate patterns and colors of the textiles on display. I was fascinated by the leatherwork and metalwork, particularly the elaborate daggers and swords that were on sale. It was a wonderful experience that gave me a deep appreciation for the beauty and craftsmanship of Punjabi handicrafts.

Types of Punjabi Handicrafts

Punjab is known for its diverse range of handicrafts, each with its unique style, techniques, and cultural significance. Here are some of the most popular types of Punjabi handicrafts:


Punjabi textiles are known for their vibrant colors, intricate designs, and high quality fabrics. Some of the most famous Punjabi textiles include the Phulkari, which is a type of embroidery that uses colorful threads to create beautiful floral patterns on fabrics like silk and cotton. Other textiles include Ajrak, a block printed shawl, and Chikankari, which involves white thread embroidery on light colored fabrics like muslin.


Punjabi pottery is admired for its simplicity and elegance. The pottery of Multan is particularly famous for its blue and white glazed ceramics, which are crafted using traditional techniques passed down from generation to generation.


Punjabi jewelry is known for its intricate designs and fine craftsmanship. The traditional Punjabi jewelry includes pieces like the nath (nose ring), bangles, and the tika (forehead ornament). Each piece is crafted using techniques that have been passed down through generations.


Punjabi leatherwork includes a range of products like bags, shoes, and belts. Multani Khussa, a type of leather shoe, is one of the most famous Punjabi handicrafts. It is crafted by skilled artisans who use techniques that have been passed down through generations.


Punjabi woodwork is famous for its intricate carvings and delicate designs. The art of wood carving is particularly famous in the Chiniot district of Punjab. The wood is usually carved into beautiful designs of flowers, leaves, and animals.


Punjabi metalwork is known for its exquisite designs and intricate details. The city of Lahore is famous for its brass and copper utensils, which are crafted by skilled artisans using traditional techniques.

Famous Punjabi handicrafts:

  • Nakkashi This is a form of embroidery that is traditionally done on fabrics like silk and cotton. It involves using a needle and thread to create intricate designs on the fabric.
  • Gota Kinari This is a type of ribbon or lace that is traditionally used to decorate clothes like saris and dupattas. It is made by attaching small pieces of gold or silver ribbon to a fabric base.
  • Phulkari This is a type of embroidery that is native to the Punjab region. It involves creating intricate floral designs on fabrics like silk, cotton or chiffon using a needle and brightly colored threads.
  • Jutti This is a traditional style of Punjabi footwear that is typically made of leather and embellished with embroidery, sequins or beads. Juttis are often worn with traditional Punjabi outfits like salwar kameez and are popular among both men and women.
  • Chitrali Embroidery This is a style of embroidery that is native to the Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. It involves creating intricate designs on fabrics like wool and silk using a needle and brightly colored threads.
  • Wickerwork Wickerwork is a type of handicraft that involves weaving dried grass or reeds to create baskets, furniture and other decorative items. In Punjab, wickerwork is particularly popular in rural areas, where it is often used to make baskets for carrying agricultural produce.
  • Nargashi: This is a type of embroidery that involves intricate patterns and designs made with gold and silver threads. It is commonly used to decorate clothing and household items.
  • Thapchi: Thapchi is a traditional Punjabi musical instrument that is made by hand from wood and animal skin. It is similar to a tambourine and is often used in folk music.
  • Lacquerware: Lacquerware is a type of handicraft that involves coating wood or other materials with a layer of lacquer to create a smooth, glossy finish. In Punjab, lacquerware is commonly used to make decorative boxes and trays.
  • Wickerwork: Wickerwork involves weaving together thin strips of wood or bamboo to create baskets, furniture, and other items. In Punjab, wickerwork is often used to make charpoys, which are traditional rope beds.
  • Beadwork: Beadwork is a type of handicraft that involves sewing beads onto fabric to create intricate designs and patterns. It is commonly used to decorate clothing, purses, and other accessories. In Punjab, beadwork is often used to make phulkari shawls and dupattas.

Process of creating handicrafts

Punjabi handicrafts are created using a variety of materials and tools. The specific materials and tools used depend on the type of handicraft being created. However, there are some common materials and tools that are used in the creation process of Punjabi handicrafts.

A. Materials Used

  • Textiles Punjabi textiles are made using various materials, including cotton, silk, wool, and linen. The use of natural fibers and dyes is a common practice in Punjabi textiles.
  • Pottery Clay is the primary material used in Punjabi pottery. The clay is sourced from local riverbeds and is mixed with water and other materials to create a workable medium.
  • Jewelry Metals like gold, silver, and copper are used in Punjabi jewelry making. Precious and semi precious stones are also used to adorn the jewelry pieces.
  • Leatherwork Animal hides like goat, sheep, and cow are used to make leather products.
  • Woodwork The wood used in Punjabi woodwork is mostly sourced from local trees like mango, sheesham, and neem.
  • Metalwork Copper, brass, and silver are commonly used in Punjabi metalwork.

B. Tools Used

  • Textiles The primary tool used in textile making is the handloom. Different types of needles, scissors, and thread are also used in the embroidery process.
  • Pottery The potters wheel is the primary tool used in pottery making. Other tools like knives, scrapers, and molds are also used in the shaping and finishing process.
  • Jewelry Jewelry making requires a variety of tools, including pliers, cutters, hammers, and molds.
    Leatherwork Leatherworking tools include scissors, knives, and punches.
  • Woodwork Chisels, saws, hammers, and drills are commonly used in Punjabi woodwork.
  • Metalwork Hammer, chisel, file, and soldering iron are some of the tools used in Punjabi metalwork.

C. Steps Involved in the Creation Process

The creation process for Punjabi handicrafts varies depending on the type of handicraft. However, some general steps can be identified in the creation process of most Punjabi handicrafts:

  1. Designing The creation process begins with the design of the handicraft. This can be done by the artisan or a designer.
  2. Preparing Materials The raw materials are then sourced and prepared for use.
    Shaping and Forming The raw materials are then shaped and formed according to the design.
  3. Decorating The handicraft is then decorated using various techniques like embroidery, painting, carving, or inlay work.
  4. Finishing The handicraft is then finished by polishing, adding final touches, and packaging for sale.
    The creation process of Punjabi handicrafts is a time consuming and labor intensive process that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. It is this craftsmanship that makes Punjabi handicrafts so unique and valuable.

Preserving and Promoting Punjabi Handicrafts

The Government of Pakistan has recognized the importance of preserving and promoting Punjabi handicrafts, not only for their cultural significance but also for their contribution to the local economy. The government has taken several initiatives to support the handicrafts industry, including setting up various training centers and institutes to provide education and training in different handicrafts. The government has also established craft bazaars and exhibitions to showcase and sell these handicrafts.

Additionally, the Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) has launched various programs to promote and develop the handicrafts industry. These programs provide financial and technical assistance to local artisans and craftspeople to help them improve their skills and upgrade their equipment. The PSIC also helps them to market their products by organizing exhibitions and trade fairs.

Role of NGOs and Local Artisans

Non governmental organizations (NGOs) and local artisans also play a crucial role in preserving and promoting Punjabi handicrafts. These organizations provide training and support to artisans, especially women, to help them improve their skills and earn a sustainable livelihood. Many NGOs also collaborate with the government and other organizations to organize workshops, exhibitions, and trade fairs to showcase Punjabi handicrafts.

Local artisans, who have been practicing their craft for generations, are also instrumental in preserving and promoting Punjabi handicrafts. They play an important role in passing on their skills and knowledge to the younger generation, ensuring that these traditional crafts are not lost over time. Many local artisans also work closely with NGOs and the government to promote their handicrafts and preserve their cultural heritage.

Challenges to preserving and promoting Punjabi Handicrafts

Despite the efforts of the government and NGOs, the handicrafts industry in Punjab faces several challenges. One of the significant challenges is the lack of modernization and innovation in the industry. Many artisans still use traditional techniques and materials, which can limit their ability to produce high quality products that can compete in the international market.

Another challenge is the lack of market access and exposure. While there are many local and national exhibitions and trade fairs, there is a need for more international exposure for Punjabi handicrafts. This exposure can help increase demand for these products and create more opportunities for artisans to sell their work.

Additionally, the rising cost of raw materials and lack of access to finance are significant challenges for many artisans. They often struggle to acquire the necessary resources and equipment to produce high quality handicrafts. This struggle can limit their ability to grow their businesses and earn a sustainable livelihood.


In conclusion, Punjabi handicrafts represent a rich cultural heritage that is treasured not only by the people of Punjab but by Pakistan as a whole. From textiles to pottery, jewelry to leatherwork, woodwork to metalwork, the intricate and beautiful craftsmanship of these handicrafts is unmatched.

Preserving and promoting Punjabi handicrafts is crucial for the future generations to appreciate the artistic traditions and heritage of Punjab. The government and NGOs have taken initiatives to preserve and promote these handicrafts through various programs, but there are still challenges that need to be addressed.

Exploring the beauty and craftsmanship of Punjabi handicrafts is an excellent way to learn about the culture and traditions of Punjab. One can visit various handicrafts bazaars, museums, and workshops to witness the skills and techniques involved in the creation of these handicrafts.

In conclusion, preserving and promoting Punjabi handicrafts is essential for keeping the rich cultural heritage alive. The artistry of these handicrafts is unique and unparalleled, and it is a matter of pride for the people of Punjab and Pakistan.


Welcome to the official author account of words.pk! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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