Pakistan infrastructural and environmental challenges

Pakistan’s infrastructural and environmental challenges

Placed on the Indus River Valley in Southwest Asia, Pakistan is acknowledged for its extensive history of battle and political instability.

Seized by various ethnic groups over the centuries, Pakistan got its freedom from the United Kingdom in 1947. The independence also marked predominantly-Muslim Pakistan’s parting from primarily dominated Hindu India.

Pakistan has an extensive variety of geography within its borders, from seaside plains to dry deserts to some of the highest mountains in the world, including K2, the world’s second highest mountain. Pakistan’s uppermost heights are sheltered with glaciers, which provide the Indus River with massive amounts of water.

Political instability appears large over the Pakistani economy, as it does over numerous features of the country’s culture. Nevertheless, lower oil prices and financial reforms have improved the economy over the preceding year. Longer term, the country has made momentous development over the past period in elevating many people out of poverty.

Talking about the problem of overpopulation, the country’s frontrunners have forsaken to capitalize in the physical infrastructure that could enable the country to operate. For example, there are no operative traveller trains in the country, the only one, the Karachi Circular Railway, bunged service in 1999, while there are plans to revive it. Pakistan Railways has powdered since the country’s liberation due to decades of negligence and fraud. Bulk transit is of course far more energy effective than road transport but for the dwellers of Karachi it is a facility that no longer subsists.

Some indicators would assist in understanding the problem of infrastructure deficiency in Pakistan. Less than one percent of waste water is treated in this country. The rest of the contaminated water is dumped into steams and ravines plus rivers which have now turned into sewers. The government recovers less than fifty percent of the solid waste that is generated in the cities. The remaining is left to rot in the streets. The collected waste is then dumped into landfills, open fields and then is incinerated. The government dumps the waste and pollutes ground water, the incinerated waste gives rise to air pollution.

The Indus River is a chief source of water in Pakistan and the agricultural industry depends deeply upon it for irrigation. The river is nourished by glaciers liquefying in higher altitudes and weather change is intimidating to significantly shrink these glaciers. In the short term, climate variation is anticipated to increase fatal flooding inside the Indus River Valley. In the long term, less water will only upsurge tension on the river and nearby ecosystems.

Pakistan is also being destroyed by widespread deforestation. With just two to five percent of its initial tree cover, deforestation could rapidly lead to more upsetting floods, avalanches and higher carbon emissions.

The World Bank statement in 2013 said that Pakistan’s highest environmental issues include inadequate supply of uncontaminated drinking water, air pollution, , the health deterioration of urban and rural populations due to pollution and noise pollution. These ecological apprehensions not only impair Pakistani citizens but also cause a grave threat to the country’s economy.


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