Best Online Payment Gateway in Pakistan

Before getting into the details of this topic, first and foremost it is important for you to know what online payment really has to offer to its users. Online payment is a term which is used to describe the process of exchanging money via electronic media. Usually, this act of transferring payment makes use of computers, digital value stores and internet as its medium. Online payment was introduced into the market with an aim to benefit the people, who are in need of such a system which allows them to transfer money from one place to another or to pay for the goods they have purchased without having to carry cash. Furthermore it is used to transfer the money from the account of the customer to his/her respective bank account. In order to be a part of the online payment system, you have to have access to these payment gateways in your area; otherwise the monetary fund cannot be transferred or received.

The process to be followed:

The customer is expected to send the information regarding his/her payment to the merchant involved.
From there the merchant, after receiving the information transfers it to respective online payment portal.
After that the online payment gateway transfers the received information to the processor of the payment.
After going through and authorizing the payment, the processor responds to the portal.
The payment gateway then replies back to the merchant who sent information in the beginning.
The merchant then replies to his customer, informing him/her whether or not the online payment was successfully completed. The merchant does this through appreciation
Flexibility of the system:
If you have a system which supports online payment, then this will surely benefit you in terms of having made the preparations of payments always ready. It also tends to allow your customers to make the payments whenever they feel like, and wherever it is possible for them to do so. It is the attracting force for more customers. Your customers will have trust in you and your site, therefore loyalty will be guaranteed.

Less time and cost required:
One of the major problems with making payments is that one has to worry about the management and time needed, all the time. It is a very tiring process, indeed. A good and effective system of online payment will take away all your worries, as it will manage and receive the payments without any break along the way. There is no need for extra load of regulation, for it to work in a better way. It is always equipped for things coming in its way. This tends to lessen the cost of business, which it may have had to pay for the system of accepting and paying money.

Online payment gateways in Pakistan:

Online payment gateway brings even greater ease to users, by allowing them to make payments and money transfer sitting at home via their laptop or mobile phone that is secured with an internet connection.

EasyPay: The service takes support of MasterCard and Visa payments too so now people can process debit and credit card payments as well.
HBL: Recently it started with its online payment gateway which is proven and trusted since it is backed up by the brand name. The setup fee for this is around 40,000 rupees and per year the fee that has to be paid is also 40,000 rupees.
MCB: The set-up fee for this is 50,000 rupees and the yearly payment that has to be made is 48,000 rupees. An additional transaction fee of rupees 15 is also there.
UBL: no transaction fee for their payment system but the set up fee is 40,000 and yearly payment is 50,000, which is greater than MCB and HBL.
Although Pakistan is said to have a couple of online payment portals, and these include, the famous and one of the most used easy paisa, MCB, HBL and UBL etc. But there is room for more, since the demand for more online payment gateways is increasing every day. A good example of this could be the need for the establishment of Pay pal in Pakistan; it is an internationally recognized and used portal but has not yet been introduced in Pakistan.

Talking about the businesses in Pakistan and their need, well most of them are in dire need of a good online payment portal in the country, to meet their payments from time to time. Since it tends to make the delivery of services and products much easier. First of all, the percent of people who own a credit card in Pakistan is not that high. People generally prefer to pay through cash, pulling them away from the thought of online payment. Not having enough credit card holders can cause a loss for businesses, since there will not be any online payments. While on the contrary people who do have credit cards, do not feel like trusting the websites in the country which are working on a local level for online payments, therefore an introduction of an internationally used and trusted portal will encourage the use of online payments among the people of Pakistan, benefiting the businesses as well, for example PayPal.


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