Malala yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai: A Symbol of Hope for a Better Future for Girls Everywhere

Short Details

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest nobel prize laureate. She was born on 12 july 1997 in the swat district of pakistan.

At the age of 11 she began speaking out about the importance of education for girls especially in areas where it was discouraged or forbidden. She gained international attention when she was shot in the head by a Taliban in 2012 while returning to home from school. Despite the severity of her injuries she recovered and continued her activism.

In 2014 Yousafzai was awarded the nobel peace prize for her advocacy efforts. She is the youngest nobel winner in history and the first from Pakistan. She used the platform to continue her advocacy and established the Malala Fund. That fund provides support to education programs for girls around the world.

Yousafzai has also authored a bestselling book I AM MALALA and has been recognized with numerous awards for her activism. She continues to inspire people around the world and is widely regarded as a symbol of hope for the fight for equal educational opportunities for all.

In Depth Details

The 21st century’s most well-known school girl, Malala Yousafzai, was shot by the Taliban and survived. Since then, she has launcheda school for Syrian immigrants, taken on the leader of Nigeria, and become the youngest receiver of a Nobel Peace Prize.

At the mere age of 18, her life tale has developed intoa movie. None of this would be imaginable if it hadn’t been for a coming together of astonishing events that started in a village where people conventionally expressed grief for the parents of any child who is not a boy.

Malala was born on 12 July 1997 in the Swat Region of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state into a low income household to Tor Pekai Yousafzai and ZiauddinYousafzai. Her household is a Sunni Muslim family of Pashtun background. The family did not have adequate money for a hospital birth; Malala was delivered at home with the aid of neighbors. She was given the first name Malala after Malalai of Maiwand, a famed Pashtun warrior woman and poet from Afghanistan. Her surname, Yousafzai, is that of a huge Pashtun tribal federation that is leading in Swat Valley, where she was raised. At her residencein Mingora, she lived with her 2 younger brothers, Ataland Kaushal, her parents, Tor Pekaiand Ziauddin, plus two pet chickens.

Malala was handled in a different way from the average girl child from birth: her father placed her name on the family register, something usuallyretainedfor males. She was also permitted to stay up late and discusslegislationswhile her brothers would be sent to bed.

Her gift for community dialogue came to the forefront when she was only 11. Her father took her to a regional press club in Peshawar, where she spoke out in contradiction of the Taliban regime, which was then demolishing girls’ schools in Swat Valley.

Her talk, titled “How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?”,reddenedaches on both sides but gathered the noticeof those maskingthe unstable region. Voicing against the Taliban was equivalent to requesting a death sentence.

In 2009 Malala started covertly blogging for BBC Urdu underneath apresumed name. In December her self was exposed and her reputation was spread by a short film, Class Dismissed, created by the New York Times.

With a budding western platform, Malala sustained to speak up for women’s right to schooling. Along with various appearances, she was requested twice to partake in Pakistan’s oldest current affairs show that was banned by General Musharraf.

The programme intended to showcase both wings of nominated topics. In 2011, Archbishop Desmond Tutu put Yousafzaifrontward for the International Children’s Peace Prize.

In the same period, Malalawas awarded Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize. Receivingthe award, she stated that was not the partof any specific political party but aspiredto create her own national party to endorse education.

A death threat was delivered against Malala on the Taliban’s radio channel. In 2012, a disguised gunman embarked Malala’s school bus and shouted and then shot Malala thrice.

One bullet hit the left part of her forehead, went acrossher face and wedged near her spine at the shoulder. Following the occurrence, she was left in serious condition and comatose. She was later flown to Birmingham, to a hospital which specifies in war injuries.

There, shegot further surgery as well asspecialized, intensiverehabilitation. Opposing to opinion, this was endorsed by the Pakistan government.

With a cochlear implant for her damaged left earanda plate in her skull, Malala remains to speak out on the significance of education. Selected for a Nobel Peace Prize, she won the prize in 2014.

Malala became the youngest victor of the respected award.

Her biography was published in 2013. Co-authored with Christina Lamb OBE, it is known as I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was shot by the Taliban.

As a fervent advocate for women’s and children’s education, she may not label herself as a feminist, but she has turn into the façade of a global movement for an improved world future. This includes her mother, Tor Pekai Yousafzai, who later learned to write and read.


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