Khadija Siddiqi, a young law student, was dropping off her sister to the school when she was approached by an unknown man wearing a helmet

Khadija Siddiqi: A Voice for Women Rights in Pakistan

Khadija Siddiqi is a Pakistani lawyer and women rights activist. She is known for her advocacy on women issues particularly on domestic violence and harassment and has been a vocal critic of the misuse of blasphemy laws in the country.

In 2016 Siddiqi gained national attention after she was allegedly stabbed 23 times by her classmate at Lahore School of Economics. She survived the attack and since then has become an advocate for the rights of survivors of violence using her own experiences to raise awareness and push for change.

Siddiqi is also a strong advocate for women empowerment and is actively involved in efforts to improve access to education and healthcare for women in Pakistan. She regularly participates in national and international conferences workshops and seminars on gender equality and human rights.

Her bravery and determination have earned her recognition from various organizations and have made her an inspiration for many young women in Pakistan who are fighting for their rights and seeking a more just society. Siddiqi work and activism continue to play a vital role in the struggle for women’s rights in Pakistan and the broader South Asian region.


Khadija Siddiqi is a trailblazer in the fight for women rights in Pakistan. As a lawyer and activist. she has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights of women and girls, particularly in the areas of domestic violence and harassment. Her bravery and determination inthe face of adversity have inspired countless people, particularly young women and have made her a leading voice for gender equality in Pakistan. Through her tireless efforts and unwavering commitmentKhadija Siddiqi is working towards a more just and equitable society for all.

Brief background on Khadija Siddiqi

She was born and raised in Pakistan and went on to pursue a degree in law. In 2016, she gained national attention after surviving a stabbing attack by a fellow student at Lahore School of Economics. The attack fueled her determination to advocate for the rights of survivors of violence and to raise awareness about the issue of domestic violence in Pakistan.

Since then Siddiqi has been a vocal critic of the misuse of blasphemy laws in the country, and has become an advocate for women rights more broadly, including access to education and healthcare for women. Her work has earned her recognition from various organizations and she continues to be a prominent figure in the struggle for women rights in Pakistan and the broader South Asian region.

Overview of her role as a women rights activist

Siddiqi is a passionate and dedicated women rights activist who is committed to promoting gender equality and improving the lives of women and girls in Pakistan. She has been a vocal critic of the misuse of blasphemy laws in the country.

Siddiqi has used her personal experiences and struggles to raise awareness about the challenges faced by women in Pakistan, and has become a leading voice in the fight for their rights. She regularly participates in national and international conferences workshops and seminars on gender equality and human rights and is actively involved in efforts to improve access to education and healthcare for women in the country.

Through her advocacy and activism Khadija Siddiqi is working to create a more just and equitable society for all women in Pakistan, and her efforts have had a profound impact on the wider community. She continues to be an inspiration to many young women who are fighting for their rights and seeking a more equal and inclusive society.

Importance of her work in the context of Pakistan

Her work is of immense importance in the context of Pakistan. women continue to face significant challenges in terms of their rights nd freedoms. Even some progress in recent years women in the country are still subjected to gender based violence discrimination, and limited access to education and healthcare.

In this context the work of activists like Khadija Siddiqi is critical in bringing attention to these issues and advocating for change. Her advocacy has helped to raise awareness about the challenges faced by women in the country and has encouraged others to join the fight for gender equality.

Through her efforts Khadija Siddiqi is working to create a more just and inclusive society for all women in Pakistan, and her work has had a positive impact on the wider community. By shining a light on the struggles faced by women and girls .she is helping to bring about real and lasting change in the country. Her efforts and commitment to women’s rights will continue to be an inspiration to future generations of activists and advocates.

Early Life and Education

Khadija Siddiqi was born and raised in Pakistan. She completed her early education in the country and went on to pursue a degree in law. Throughout her education, she was passionate about social justice issues and was particularly interested in the rights of women and girls.

After completing her studies, Siddiqi began her career as a lawyer and quickly became involved in activism and advocacy. Her early experiences and exposure to the challenges faced by women in Pakistan fueled her determination to work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

To her legal background siddiqi is an experienced public speaker and has represented Pakistan at various international forums, where she has shared her experiences and insights on women’s rights and gender equality. Through her education work and activism she has become a leading voice for women rights in the country and a passionate advocate for gender equality.

Personal Life

I amm sorry but I don’t have information on her marriage details as it is not publicly available or documented. Personal information such as details about an individual marriage is typically private and not publicly shared unless the individual chooses to do so.

Education and Career Path:

She completed her early education in the country and went on to pursue a degree in law. After completing her studies she began her career as a lawyer and quickly became involved in activism and advocacy.

Early Influences and Experiences that Shaped her Activism:

Siddiqi’s commitment to women’s rights and gender equality has been shaped by her own experiences and the experiences of the women around her. Growing up in Pakistan, she was exposed to the challenges faced by women and girls, including discrimination, harassment, and violence.

These experiences, along with her education and passion for justice, inspired her to become a voice for women’s rights and to work towards ensuring that women and girls have access to the support and protection they need.

The Turning Point: Surviving the Stabbing Attack

Surviving the Stabbing Attack is a significant event in the life of Khadija Siddiqi. In 2016 Siddiqi was the survivor of a stabbing attack by a fellow student at Lahore School of Economics. The attack gained national attention and sparked public outrage and was a turning point in her journey as a women rights activist.

Details of the Attack:

Siddiqi was attacked by a fellow student with a knife in broad daylight, in front of several witnesses. The attack was an act of retaliation after she spoke out against her attacker for harassment and stalking. The attack left her with several serious injuries and was a traumatic experience for Siddiqi.

The person who attacked Khadija Siddiqi in 2016 was a fellow student at the Lahore School of Economics in Lahore, Pakistan. The attack was reportedly an act of retaliation after Siddiqi spoke out against the attacker for harassment and stalking.

The attacker was later arrested and charged with attempted murder, and the case received significant media attention and public outrage in Pakistan. However, the details of the attacker’s identity and background have not been widely reported, and it is not publicly known if they have been convicted or sentenced for their crime.

The Impact on Her Life and Activism:

The attack fueled Siddiqi’s determination to speak out about the issue of domestic violence in Pakistan and to work towards ensuring that survivors of violence receive the support and protection they need. The attack also brought her increased public attention and helped to raise awareness about the challenges faced by women in the country.

The Importance of this Event in her Journey as a Women’s Rights Activist:

The stabbing attack was a turning point in Siddiqi’s journey as a women’s rights activist. It brought her increased public attention and provided her with a platform to raise awareness about the issue of domestic violence and the need for greater protection and support for survivors.

The attack also strengthened her commitment to her cause and inspired her to continue to be a voice for women’s rights in Pakistan. Through her experiences, she has become a powerful advocate for women’s rights and a leading voice for gender equality in the country.

Key Accomplishments and Recognitions:

Khadija Siddiqi has made a significant impact as a women’s rights activist in Pakistan, and her work has been recognized both nationally and internationally. Some of her key accomplishments include:

  • Raising awareness about the issue of domestic violence and the need for greater support and protection for survivors
  • Advocating for the implementation of stronger laws and policies to protect women’s rights
  • Inspiring other women to speak out and fight for their rights
  • Establishing herself as a leading voice for gender equality in Pakistan.

Overview of her major contributions to the women rights Movement:

Her activism has centered around raising awareness about the issue of domestic violence in pakistan and advocating for greater protection and support for survivors.

She has also been a vocal advocate for the implementation of stronger laws and policies to protect women’s rights and to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes.

Through her work she has inspired other women to speak out and fight for their rights, and has helped to bring greater public attention to the issue of violence against women in Pakistan.

Awards and Recognition Received for her Work:

Siddiqi has received several awards and recognitions for her work as a women’s rights activist in Pakistan. Some of these awards include:

  • The Global Inspiration Award from the Global Women’s Rights Campaign in 2019
  • The Emerging Young Leader Award from the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2018
  • The Social Media Women of the Year Award from the Women in Digital conference in 2017.

The Impact of her Work on the Wider Community:

Her work as a women rights activist had a significant impact on the wider community.. Her advocacy has raised awareness about the issue of domestic violence and the need for greater protection and support for survivors.

She inspired many other women to speak out and fight for their rights. Her activism has also helped to bring greater public attention to the issue of violence against women in the country and has played a role in shaping public discourse and policy. Through her work she has made apowerful impact and has helped to create a more inclusive and equitable society for women in the country.


Khadija Siddiqi is a highly influential womens rights activist who has made a significant impact in promoting gender equality and protecting the rights of women in the country. Through her advocacy she has raised awareness about the issue of domestic violence and the need for greater support and protection for survivors and has inspired many other women to speak out and fight for their rights.

Summary of Khadija Siddiqis Journey as a Womens Rights Activist:

Siddiqis journey as a womens rights activist began after she survived a stabbing attack by a fellow student. This traumatic event inspired her to become a vocal advocate forwomens rights in Pakistan and she hassince become a leading voice in the fight for gender equality in the country. Through her activism she has helped to raise awareness about the issue of domestic violence and has been a powerful advocate for stronger laws and policies to protect womens rights.

The Importance of her Work in Promoting Gender Equality in Pakistan:

Siddiqis work as a womens rights activist has been critical in promoting gender equalit. Her activism has helped to bring greater public attention to the issueof violence against womenand has played a role in shaping public discourse and policy on womens rights in the country. Through her advocacy she has helped to create a more inclusive and equitable society for women in Pakistan and has inspired many other women to speak out and fight for their rights.

The Role that Individuals and Organizations can Play in Supporting her Efforts:

Individuals and organizations can play a critical role in supporting Siddiqis efforts to promote gender equality and protect the rights of women in Pakistan. This can include supporting heractivism through donations or volunteering amplifying her message through social media and other channels or advocating for stronger laws and policies to protect womens rights. By supporting Siddiqi and other womens rights activists in Pakistan individuals and organizations canhelp to create a more inclusive and equitable society for women in the country.

Final Short Summery

Just as when we think the world is moving towards a better time, something somewhere happens which makes us contemplate our decision. Similarly, something extremely sad and terrible happened on the broad daylight of May 3r, 2016; Davis Road.

Khadija Siddiqi, a young law student, was dropping off her sister to the school when she was approached by an unknown man wearing a helmet, who pushed her to the backseat of the car and in the blink of an eye took out a knife with which he stabbed her ruthlessly, continuously for 23 times.

Just like that she was left in a puddle of blood, immediately surrounded by men who were trying to make a statement for whether she was alive or dead. She, being alive, was the start of her fighting journey.

She was a law student and the person who stabbed her was a fellow classmate, Shah Hussain, also son of an advocate; Syed Tanvir Hashmi. The immediate after action for this was a murder case being filed in the Lahore High Court, where a video was also presented so that Shah Hussain could be identified.

Shah Hussain was jailed for his crime but then, as expected, he was allowed a bail after two months. This was disturbing for Khadija who could not digest the fact that the person who tried to kill her would be giving the law exams right with her. This made her and everyone else raise questions about the legal system.

Despite a lot of pressures from different lawyers, including the father of the attacker, Khadija refused to take her case back and voiced her opinion about the court’s decision being ‘erroneous’ and ‘perverse’. She stood strong and decided to fight for justice or as long as she could.

In this time, there were people who tried to put her down by questioning her character and throwing in weak statements to somehow justify the attempted murder. That showed the brutal face of our society but at the same time there were people like Muhammad Jibran Nasir who stood with her and supported wholeheartedly.

All the women of the country felt proud for the fight that Khadija was in and how she remained resilient irrespective of what anyone said. Being a law student herself, she knew exactly what she was doing and how it was supposed to go along; education at this point helped her a lot.

After a year’s struggle and frequent court sessions, the High Court Chief Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah turned out to be the one who finally took notice of this brutal incident and starting from June 2017, took active role in hearing the case all over again. After 30 days of constant sessions, the judge put forward his verdict where the attacker was announced guilty and sentenced for seven year imprisonment.

This was a huge victory; not just for Khadija Siddiqi but for all the women of the country who hesitate fighting back the oppression and injustice that happens with them, sometimes every day. Khadija gives a lot of hope and encouragement to women to speak for their right and against all the injustices of the society.

Words of Saddiqi

“I believe if I can make our youth, especially young girls stand up for their rights, and not succumb to male brutality at any cost; my fight will be worth it.” – Khadija Siddiqi


Welcome to the official author account of! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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