
Sauerbraten (German: “sour roast” from sauer for “sour” or “pickled” and Braten for “roast meat”) is a German pot roast that can be prepared with a variety of meats—most often beef, but also from venison, lamb, mutton, pork, and traditionally, horse. Before cooking, the cut of meat is marinated for several days (recipes vary from three to ten days) in a mixture of vinegar or wine, water, herbs, spices, and seasonings. Since usually tougher cuts of meat (like rump roast, or bottom round of beef) are used for Sauerbraten, the longer marinating of the meat acts to tenderize it, resulting in a finished dish that is tender, soft, and juicy. The ingredients of the marinade vary based on regional styles and traditions throughout Germany. Sauerbraten is regarded as one of the national dishes of Germany. It is one of the best known German meals. Because of German immigration to the New World (the United States, Argentina, etc.), it is frequently found on the menus of German-style restaurants outside Germany. Several regions’ variations on the dish are well known including those from Franconia, Thuringia, Rhineland, Saarland, Silesia, and Swabia. Sauerbraten is traditionally served with traditional German side dishes, such as Rotkohl (red cabbage), Knödel or Kartoffelklöße (potato dumplings), Spätzle (an egg and flour noodle), and boiled potatoes. While many German-style restaurants in America pair potato pancakes (either Kartoffelpuffer or Reibekuchen) with sauerbraten, this is common only in a small part of Germany.