Rajasthani culture

Rajasthan has artistic and cultural traditions which reflect the ancient Indian way of life. There is a rich and varied folk culture from villages which is often depicted symbolic of the state. Rajasthan as had a glorious history. It is known for many brave kings, their deeds; and their interest in art and architecture. Its name means “the land of the rajas”. It was also called Rajputana (the country of the Rajputs); whose codes of chivalry shaped social mores just as their often bitter and protected feuding dominated their politics. Rajasthan, the land of Kings. Drenched into royal grandeur and soaked into glorious history, Rajasthan is one of the most charming and captivating states of India. It has been globally famous tourism destination with lots of tourist attractions and fabulous tourist facilities. This historical state of India attracts tourists and vacationers with its rich culture, tradition, heritage, and monuments. It is also rich in its flora and fauna with some of popular wildlife sanctuaries & national parks.