Iraqi people

The Iraqis leads here. For The Iraqis political part, refer to The Iraqis (party) The Iraqi people (Arabic: العراقيون ʿIrāqīyūn, Kurdish: گه‌لی عیراق Îraqîyan, ʿIrāqāyā, ) are the citizens of the modern country of Iraq. Arabs have been the majority in Mesopotamia since the Sassanid Empire (224-637 AD). Arabic was spoken by the majority in the Iraqi Kingdom of Araba in the 1st and 2nd centuries, and by Arabs in Al-Hirah from the 3rd century. Arabs were common in Mesopotamia at the time of the Seleucids (3rd century BC). The first Arab kingdom outside of Arabia was established in Iraq’s Al-Hirah in the 3rd century. Arabic was a minority language in northern Iraq in the 8th century BC, from the 8th century following the Muslim conquest of Persia it became the dominant language of Iraqi Muslims, due to Arabic being the language of the Qur’an and the Caliphate. Kurdish Iraqi citizens live in the mountainous Zagros region of northeast Iraq to the east of the upper Tigris. Modern genetic studies indicate that Iraqi Arabs and Kurds are distantly related. Arabic and Kurdish are Iraq’s national languages.