Bright side of Pakistan

Pakistan became an independent state about 69 years ago. A lot of blood and sweat was put into getting independence from the Hindu and English rule. Since then Pakistan has made its mark in the world. Although, because of the recent terrorist activities Pakistan has faced a lot of difficulties and now is considered a very dangerous country. The western media has played a very significant role in deterioting the image of the Pakistan in the eyes of the whole world and due to that most people have no idea that Pakistan has more to offer then what they are shown.

Agriculture is the biggest economic sector in Pakistan, most of the people in this nation earn directly or indirectly from agriculture. The country has one of the largest cauliflower, broccoli, and fish, fruits and cotton and wheat productions in the world. Its irrigation system has been ranked among the top irrigation systems in the world, it is very vast.

The topography of Pakistan is straight out of any geographers dream. Mountains, valleys, plateaus, salt ranges, beaches, the nation have it all. Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world is present in Pakistan. Mountains such as K2, Nanga Parbat and Gasherbrum add to the natural beauty of Pakistan’s northern areas. Khewra mine’s is the second largest salt mine in the world.

The subcontinent gave Pakistan a lot of history. Rulers such as the Mughals built beautiful palaces which are still present today such as the Lahore Fort. Lahore, being one of the oldest cities is filled with old alleys, houses, roads and other historic infrastructure beauties. Pakistan is also home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world Mohenjo-Daro; most of the artifacts have been preserved in the museums and are currently on display.

The people of Pakistan are no less, many have brought a lot of pride and honor to the country. The late Abdul Satar Eidi founded the largest ambulance network in the world, Dr.Umar Saif has been considered as one the top 35 innovators of the world, Naila Alam and Yasmeen Durrani have been hounred by the White house for their humanitarian services, Jahengir khan has the biggest winning streak in the history of any sport and many like them have made Pakistan proud.

Pakistan has the 6th largest armed forces in the world. Many countries send their best troops to Pakistan to get trained. On 23rd March every year a brilliant parade is performed by Pakistan’s armed forces . The air show an something that should not be missed. Many heroes have died for the sake of the country and their heroic work has been applauded throughout the world. Mohammad Mahmoud Alam was a Pakistani fighter plane pilot; he holds the world record for having downed five Indian air force crafts in less than a minute.

All in all Pakistan is a country full of culture, friendly patriotic people, art, innovation, peace, history and beauty. A place where leaders are born and a country worth visiting. Make sure to add Pakistan to your bucket list.


Welcome to the official author account of! I am a passionate writer and researcher who loves exploring the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Through my writing, I aim to showcase the beauty and complexity of this vibrant nation, from its history and traditions to its art, music, cuisine, and more.
With years of experience in blogging, and content creation, I have honed my skills in storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers

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